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One command to rule them all!

The Abstract CLI is a command-line tool for generating JavaScript bindings to contracts that use Abstract.


npm i @abstract-money/cli


abstract <command> [options]


Once you have installed the CLI, you need to define the CLI config in abstract.config.ts. You can generate a default configuration using the command:

abstract init

This will generate an abstract.config.ts in your project root. You can then configure it according to your needs.


Here's an example of how to configure abstract.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from '@abstract-money/cli'
import { react, registry, vanilla } from '@abstract-money/cli/plugins'
export default defineConfig({
  // Target directory for generated files.
  out: './src/generated',
  // Define contracts for which to generate bindings
  // Use this for contracts not registered in the Abstract schemas repository
  contracts: [
      name: "exampleAdapter",
      path: "../schema/your-namespace/exampleAdapter/0.1.0/schema/",
      namespace: "your-namespace",
      version: "0.1.0",
      moduleType: "adapter", // Specify this if it's an adapter module
    // You can add more contracts here as needed
  // List of plugins to use.
  plugins: [
    // Generate React hooks.
    // Pull contract schemas from the registry at
      contracts: [
          name: 'app-name', // Your App Name.
          namespace: 'abstract', // To claim a namespace on mainnet, please get in touch with Abstract Team.
          version: '0.1.0',
    // Generate vanilla JavaScript bindings. Only include this if not using `react`.
      // Enable Abstract App features for specific contracts
      enableAbstractAppFor: ['exampleAdapter']

Generating for Contracts Not Registered in Schemas Repository


contracts: [
    name: "exampleAdapter",
    path: "../contracts/exampleAdapter/schema/",
    namespace: "your-namespace",
    version: "0.1.0",
    moduleType: "adapter",

Generating for Contracts from the Abstract Registry


  contracts: [
      name: 'payment-app',
      namespace: 'abstract',
      version: '0.0.1',

You can find the latest versions of these contracts in the Abstract schemas repository.

Enabling Abstract App Features

If you're working with an Abstract app, use the vanilla plugin with the enableAbstractAppFor option.


  enableAbstractAppFor: ['exampleAdapter']


Once done, you're ready to generate the code:

abstract generate

You can use additional options as mentioned above. You should get an output like:

 abstract generate
 Validating plugins
 Resolving contracts
 Validating contracts
 Running plugins
 Writing to src/generated/index.ts

And you should be all set to use the types generated directly into your codebase.


Token 'X' does not exist

This is an issue with ts-codegen resolving too many files in the schema folder. You can fix this by removing all the files from the schema folder except for module-schema.json.

In our templates folder, we have an example of moving only the module-schema.json files to a schema folder here.

Double imports

There is currently a clash between the react and vanilla plugins that includes imports for contracts generated using each. If you encounter this, please reach out.